Tuesday, April 7, 2015

JO from Alabama, USA

My testimony on how God's messages has affected my life: I heard of Maria Divine Mercy a few years ago from my Mother. I don't know what year. Sometimes it seems long ago and sometimes it seems so little time. I was born Catholic but as the changes came in the church my Mother leaned to the traditional movement, so that's what I grew up being taught. I knew even as a young girl something wasn't right with some beliefs and attitudes. Since MDM, I now know in my heart that God opened my eyes. I see that God loves all. We all are His children. I now understand that anyone can be forgiven if they ask and are sorry. That suffering is a gift. I now understand why God wanted me born. That Jesus is returning. That God's Will is the most important thing to do. I now pray more. I now know not to judge and where hatred comes from. That God really is LOVE. So so much I now see and understand. I feel now, that I can make my life's journey and really get to heaven. I now know, really know how to get there. I now know that I'm nothing and yet God has a special need of me. Everyone is alive because He wills it. I was one foot in hell. I was always seeking, I was always proud, as in prideful of being Catholic, like it made me special or privileged. I didn't truly know Jesus in my heart, I didn't truly know Our Lady, I didn't fully understand. He has given me gifts and I asked Him for them. I only want to serve God in humility. I know now, that... to love is the most important thing. And to not fear.
I trust Jesus COMPLETELY...

Because of MDM my life has changed. And the lives of all those who I pray for. Thank you my God for sending your prophet Maria to us, never let us stray from You Lord, do whatever necessary to keep us in your heart Jesus. Amen

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