Thursday, April 23, 2015

EH from Salvador

We moved into a new house, because we needed more space, I was broke economically not working, just my husband, we lived a little tight, so I decided to look for work online, something I never had done, that night I couldn't sleep, felt as if something was calling me, there was something, I don't know how to explain it, something that pulled me and felt the need to search the net, I spent four months looking for something I did not know what it was, I had no idea what was happening to me... I started reading passages from the Bible and it was like if God spoke to me... I literally got on the internet websites of messages from other seers, but it did not satisfy me, it was not what I wanted until finally one day, I started reading reviews messages from Maria of Divine Mercy, I had never heard of her, this was in 2011, so I got to the website in Spanish "El gran aviso" (the Great Warning), I started reading the messages, I saw that they were closely related to the prophecies of Fatima, when I was little I read a book describing the chastisement, with the 3 days of darkness.

That's how I began to read each message, it like was a punch in my heart and it made me cry, made me remember how I felt when I was little... but this time, it was the same Jesus who filled me... I remember reading many against the mission, so I asked the Lord to give me a sign that this was the right way, I closed my eyes and He flooded me with great peace that I've never before felt, realized that this was a "Yes".

By entering this mission, I joined a crusade prayer, go to Mass, Holy Hour, praying the Rosary, took a radical change in my life and then came the attacks of evil, I began to have nightmares, I saw three times demons in my dreams, dreamed that my daughter was possessed, growling at me and told me that "do you think that us will defeated by reading these messages and pray those prayers?" then I started to recite prayers I'd learned especially "Who like God, No one like God", until I woke up.

For several days, I felt many things in my house, evil presences, fear the night shadows looked at horrible faces, then prayed harder, made the St Michael's exorcism prayer twice, the first time, I'd heard the fluttering of wings inside the room, of course we always had holy water in my house.

In closing, I will say that I got married through the Catholic Church with an atheist, who did not want to enter the church, but now goes to church with me and my daughter, now I started a new business under the blessing and the help of the Lord. 

MDM messages completely changed my life and opened my eyes to many things, but especially, understood in my soul: a burning desire to love and serve God, here and in the afterlife... Amen.

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