
Friday, June 29, 2018

Z from Mexico City

Everything started on the first day when I saw the fellow who was doing the speech about God and about ‘The Book of Truth’. And I could not believe that he („J“) was a missioner, because his appearance was like a normal person. I had another idea in my mind of what an envoy of God is like. On the first day I paid close attention to everything he said, thanks to C, who translated it. But I still had doubts in my mind, whether or not he was an envoy of God. The doubts remained until maybe 2.00pm, before we had a coffee break. I felt something which was like the presence of many people arriving among us. I could hear people from the street saying that they wanted to enter the building, because the Word of God was here. I was looking in direction of the entrance in order to see those people who I heard… but I saw nothing. I could only feel how one by one they were arriving for this speech. I heard that one of these people who I could not see, said, “Look there is the Word of God”. And again other of these people who I cannot see said, “He brings the Word of God”. But again I was looking to see who said that. And I saw nothing around me. But I felt how some of them came to be close to me, and in fact they positioned themselves very, very close to me in order to listen the speech of „J“. I was very surprised, but I didn´t talk to anyone about this, because if I told someone, I was concerned about what they would think of me?

On the Second day of the seminar, I was very focused on all that „J“ told us, but still I could not believe that he was a real envoy of God. During this time I was thinking that I was in a spiritual battle, because I heard inside of me, someone was saying to me, “Shout at „J“ and offend him with swear words, saying that he is nobody, he is not an envoy of God”. I tried to concentrate on the speech and tried to not to listen this bad voice, but this voice still wanted me to shout with swear words at „J“… At the same time in my mind I was thinking… if „J“ was an envoy of God, maybe he would be similar like Moses, with other clothes and other shoes, maybe with sandals and another appearance like in the Bible… and from one second to another, I saw that behind „J“, was the figure of a person, glowing golden in colour. Then the outline of „J“ began to glow with a golden light! Then, I was interrupted from the speech, because of this vision. In that moment I saw Jesus speak to me through „J“ and He said, “You are looking me and you still don´t believe me? I am present here.” This was the moment when and I began to cry because of His words, and what I was seeing touched me deep within my heart. I said loudly to Jesus, “Forgive me my God! Forgive me for not believing!” I was crying. First I fell, as I surrendered to Him and then I felt I should get on my knees because I was in His Presence, and I told Him, “I am not worthy to look at you, for I am a sinner.” And I wanted to cry more, as children do, but I had to control my crying, because there were many people there.

I absorbed everything that „J“ said. This vision of Jesus was resplendent. He was behind „J“, which also made „J“’s outline shine in a gold color. This vision stayed for a long time, as we were listening to „J“ speak.

Since that day I have felt different. Let me explain. I felt full, but not full of food, but satisfied overall, satisfied with the Word of God that I received in this seminar. It fills my being completely. Since this day I have not been able to  eat as much as I liked to before, normally I eat 5 or 6 tortillas, but now I only eat 1, maximum 2 and I very pleased/satisfied with only one tortilla. I started to fasting almost every day. I am now strengthened. I think it is the Presence of God in me. My body hasn’t had the need to eat so much, especially after I started to pray more. Now I do not get hungry before 1.00pm. or 2.00pm. and I feel very good. Also, if now I eat a big plate of soup, I cannot eat it completely. My body doesn´t need so much food. It is the spiritual food that satisfies me. I told to my family what is happening with me, but they don´t believe me, now that I have changed.  Now I want and I need fasting, and need to recite prayers, etc. etc. My family said, “You are a sinner.”…. They reject all that I am now doing.

Now I try to respect God. I believe more in God. And I try not to do things that God does not like, for example, lies, adultery, criticizing people, etc... I've left everything behind. I thank God for this strength that He gives me. I try to read all the messages of ‘The Book of Truth’ and persevere in prayer more and more, and also with fasting. To summarise, I try to be better, as God wants me to be.

I wish to be like Job (from the Bible), because Job was very obedient to God. I think that the people I could not see, who arrived to listen the speech, are good souls, angels. The voices that I heard in order to disturb me, they were evil thoughts. I want to tell everybody who really believes in God, “God really is with us, in each second of our lives. If we love God, then we have to love and forgive our fellows brothers and sisters. This is very important, because if we don´t forgive them, God cannot enter our hearts.” My life has changed a lot. I am in God’s peace, even if I have more problems or difficulties with my family.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

AT from Chihuahua, Mexico

What I can say is that „J“ brought to my mind a holy Priest very dear in Chihuahua, Marian 100%., who also we met my wife and me in Chihuahua. „J“ radiated that Spirit of God. Some women who attended the seminar said that they smelled like a rose scent! It was a wonderful experience!  

RM from Chihuahua, Mexico

When „T“ was speaking about the miracles or wonders of Our Lady in this Mission, YG. C. started to smell a delicate fragrance of roses, in certain moments the smell was stronger and it lasted until the end of the speech. Not only Y smelled it, but others also. At least 7 persons also smelled the same fragrance. Everybody were moved and with great joy until the end of the seminar. Was great! 

CG from Chihuahua, Mexico

In the Church, after the Seminar, the speakers (T“ and „J“) sat on the bench immediately in front of my family. My wife told me that she was smelling a very beautiful fragrance. She said this fragrance was not of a man or of woman. On several occasions during the Mass the smell was stronger. And she discovered that the smell came from „T“ and „J“ and when they moved the fragrance reached her. I was surprised, because neither my children nor I could smell this fragrance!! My wife told me that when they received Holy Communion the smell was more intense. One week later, we had our prayer group meeting in my mother's house. We discussed the experience of the Seminar and one of the ladies who attended the meeting, called A, who was sitting in the Church in a pew in front of „J“ and „T“, told us that she had also smelled the fragrance that was very exquisite, like a kind of oil fragrance. And this is for me, a confirmation of what my wife smelled that day. God bless them all. There is no doubt that God blesses and gives protection to his servants „J“ and „T“.

The experience is not compared to any retreat I have attended. The closeness of the brotherhood, and everything that we experienced there will be kept in our hearts. We are a great family that God has gathered.

CH from Chihuahua, Mexico

I will share with you that I was very much afraid of persecution, of scarcity, of wars, and so on. But I feel that the message I received from God is this: “Do not be afraid because those who trust in the ‘Seal of the Living God’, and pray the ‘Crusade Prayers’ with great faith, will receive protection when the time comes.” I also want to tell you that before the Prayer Meeting I did not feel like a real soldier of God in His Remnant Army, I thought, that was for people who are much more prepared and much more committed than I. But now I realize that the Remnant Army is formed by us, those who believe and trust in the messages, and God has chosen us because He needs us for the salvation of many souls. And now that I know that I am part of His Army I feel even more committed to preparing myself, since we were told that after The Warning happens, all those who have not heard the Messages or have not wanted to believe in them, will be searching for us to guide and teach them everything that God has taught us during these last few years. So we must feel as proud soldiers of His Army, because from among billions of people in the world God has chosen us to be part of His Army. And the reason ‘The Book of Truth’ comes into our hands, it is not a coincidence. It is because God chose us.

And finally I wish to share with you that, after seeing the great love for our Virgin Mary, that the missionaries who came to share their experiences have, I feel a great desire to unite myself more to Our Blessed Mother and try to be like Her, in order to feel me protected under Her Mantle.

May God bless all of us and help us to walk together to meet us again in the new paradise!!.

JP Mexico

Thank God for giving me the opportunity to attend this event and to meet more brothers and sisters, who are of the same spiritual mind. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and God's blessings. This unites us more and makes us stronger. God Bless us!

GP Mexico

The presence of the Holy Spirit was manifested at all times to fill me with its Power. The doubts in my heart went away. I am stronger than ever in prayer now. I was fortunate to have met many of my brothers who, together with me, look forward to the Second Coming of our Lord. Throughout the Mexican Republic, we are a great and powerful Remnant Army with a mission: To help Jesus save souls. Glory to God! 

G Mexico

  I want to thank GOD for this Prayer Meeting. It was very beautiful. There were many testimonies that were experienced within the meeting, where at every moment, Our Lord confirmed to us that these Messages are Divine. We felt the Presence of Our Lord, and with that Presence, union and harmony among the group. Thank you to all the people who made this great meeting possible. 

PC Mexico

      When the Talk of „J“ began, I lost my sight (it turned black) and then I saw a big, dark window. And through the light, I saw a man dressed in white. Maybe we write in this way: He had blood on his hands. He had the nail holes in his hands and the blood. He walked towards us while showing us His hands. He had a beautiful face and beautiful wavy hair. Then He disappeared and I saw a big, white and very beautiful Host. After that I saw a rose and in the middle of it was the same white dressed man, and I saw a yellow or gold, bright, thorny crown.

Then I saw a white light and the same white dressed person in it behind „J“. When „J“ moved, this Person behind him moved the same way as „J“, his hands surrounded in a very white light. After this, the vision disappeared and I saw nothing else.
This vision took place during the first talk of the Seminar.
PC. - 24 Nov. 2016 (México City)

MDM seminars Mexico (various testimonies)

    Some people attending this Seminar shared their testimonies on the last day, some in tbreak time and some at the end of the seminar:

·         A lady said that when the name of the Virgin Mary was said, in each of these moments, she perceived an aroma/fragrance of roses, and that the smell was very intense.

·         Another woman said that she saw that Jesus of the Divine Mercy appear on one of the walls of the stage; and that when the speakers and translators („T“, „J“, C and R) were up on the stage all together, she saw a sky-blue halo or mantle covering all of the four people. She also said that she saw like a little white light, the shape was similar to that of a Dove. The light settled in the heart of „J“ and it lasted a long time.

·         One man said that he saw a golden light behind „J“, and this light followed „J“ whenever he walked around the stage as he delivered his talk. 

Another person commented that behind „J“ she could see the silhouette of the Virgin Mary

C from Florida

I told you!!!



I already talked to my PILI, where she stayed not a drop of water, or her surroundings.

The house of Pili and Danny, the one that they bought, now they are married, it remained INTACT, only fallen trees, but, inside their house was the SEALOF THE LIVING GOD.

Inside the house of DANNY'S parents Pili's boyfriend, did not entered any water, also intact, because the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD was there!


Today it was a huge test after the hurricane passed by Keywest, while the wait, it was a HUGE TEST WHAT GOD PUT ME!!!, because it was my PILI, more nor less, SHE at KEYWEST, and I THE EYE OF THE GREATEST HURRICANE IN HISTORY PASSED ABOVE US!!!

I gave TESTIMONY before, that the SEAL, was going to protect my Pili, THANK YOU LORD! (Well, remember she went to confession, she was in Grace)
Now, this same hurricane,it destroyed, the island of San Martin and the island of Antigua

In that waiting test that GOD GAVE ME, to show them what I was telling them was true!!!! (and did passed the exam)

I asked my LORD to speak to me and GOD SPOKE AND CLEAR, many of you are WITNESSES. He gave me ECCLESIASTES 36: 1-17

There the Lord speaks clearly of his WRATH BECAUSE OF SIN, which are all the hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, etc ...

And from verse 13, He speaks to those who trust in Him.
(In this case, I)


Verse 14:

Verse 15

What does this mean, that the PROPHET MARY OF THE DIVINE MERCY IS REAL!!!



I'm so happy!!!!